Actualités dans la Caraïbe

13 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Diario Dominicano
Haití y la República Dominicana en la Primera Feria Mundial Ecoturística y de Producción
Organizaciones co-auspiciadoras y autoridades se comprometen a participar de la feria que se desarrollará del 18 al 26 de octubre en el Parque Central del municipio de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, con las más representativas manifestaciones artísticas,...
13 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Alter Presse
Culture : Haïti participera à la 1re Foire mondiale écotouristique et de production en République Dominicaine
P-au-P, 13 août 2014 [AlterPresse] --- Haïti participera à la première foire mondiale écotouristique et de production, qui se tiendra, du samedi 18 au dimanche 26 octobre 2014, au Parc central dans la municipalité de Santiago de los Caballeros, deuxième ville (en importance) de...
08 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Caribbean Journal
Caribbean Airlift and Caribbean Tourism
The importance of ‘Accessibility’ particularly Air Access and its relationship to the viability of the Regional Tourism Industry cannot be over stated. The tourism industry is heavily reliant on air transport for tourists/visitors for business and leisure purposes as well as...
07 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
Air Jamaica merger a mistake, Make CAL a regional carrier
ACS states, “The importance of accessibility, particularly air access and its relationship to the viability of the regional tourism industry cannot be overstated. The tourism industry is heavily reliant on air transport for tourists/visitors, for business and leisure purposes as...
07 Août
all Members and Associate Members
eTN Global Travel Industry News
Tourism and civil aviation – a symbiotic relationship
The importance of “accessibility” particularly air access and its relationship to the viability of the Regional Tourism Industry cannot be over stated. The tourism industry is heavily reliant on air transport for tourists/visitors for business and leisure purposes as well as “...
06 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Infotur Dominicano
Asociación de Estados del Caribe celebrará en Saint Thomas el Día de la Aviación del Caribe 2014
El próximo 16 de septiembre se llevará a cabo en Saint Thomas, Islas Vírgenes de EE UU, las celebraciones del Día de la Aviación del Caribe 2014, un día antes de la Conferencia de la Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), sobre el Estado de la Industria.
06 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Carib Creole News
Journée de l’Aviation Caribéenne 2014: la Guadeloupe et la Martinique zappées !
L’Association des États de la Caraïbe (AEC) est fière d’annoncer sa collaboration avec les agences régionales, le Conseil international des aéroports (ACI), l’Association latino-américaine et caribéenne du Transport aérien (ALTA), l’Organisation du Tourisme de la Caraïbe (OTC)...
04 Août
all Members and Associate Members
Port News
Secretary General of Association of Caribbean States to deliver keynote address at 14th TOC Americas conference
H.E Ambassador Alfonso Múnera, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) will give a keynote address at the 14th edition of its TOC Americas conference and exhibition, taking place on October 14-16 in Cartagena, Colombia. This will be the first time in...
01 Août
all Members and Associate Members
eTN Global Travel Industry News
Climate change: Another hurdle for poverty eradication
Today, most persons consider climate change to be a reality and not a myth. A result of this phenomenon, natural hazards have been identified as having crippling effects on many countries, particularly those already vulnerable; Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS)....
31 Juillet
all Members and Associate Members
Guardian Media
Region to mark Aviation Day
The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) is collaborating with regional agencies—Airports Council International (ACI), Latin America and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA), Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA)—to...