Information & Document Centre (Library)

The Communication Unit has been covering the major duties related to the Library.

 The Mission of the ACS Library is to serve as a regional centre for information on the ACS, through the collection, processing, storing and dissemination of information related to the ACS region.

 The objectives are:

  • To provide current ACS related information to staff, ACS countries, governments and related organizations.
  • To disseminate this information through library services, online databases and the ACS website.

The major activities include:

  • Recording and maintaining a database of Library assets (print and electronic)
  • Provision of reference and information services to staff members and external users, including ACS countries and the general public
  • Preparation and distribution of the ACS Press Review
  • Celebration of select international and Greater Caribbean days
  • Distribution of ACS maps, books, information kits etc
  • Establishment and development of inter-library relations
  • Library promotion activities
  • Upgrade of the library’s database system (MINISIS)