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EUCLID University & Association of Caribbean States Sign MoU

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The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and EUCLID University have signed an agreement which will see the two organisations collaborating on digital economy and data management in the public service of ACS Member countries. In a brief virtual ceremony on February 25, both ACS Secretary General Rodolfo Sabonge and Secretary General of Euclid University, Winston Dookeran, expressed their hope that the Memorandum of Understanding will begin a fruitful relationship for the countries of the Greater Caribbean.

In his remarks, Dookeran, Secretary General of EUCLID since July 2020 said, “We hope that our first program will be in advancing training in the digital economy, and more specifically on the subject of data management for executive management in the public service of the ACS countries. We are hoping to partner with the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) of Waterloo, Canada to offer an executive certificate with up dated skills required in today’s quest to foster data management in digital policy for the transformation in the public sector.” Mr. Dookeran is also a Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

Secretary General Sabonge informed that he seeks, “to promote digital transformation of the region as a means to facilitate trade and transport, but also as a way to promote innovation in other areas like education, health, and agriculture.” SG Sabonge also said that the ACS provides a unique platform as it is a one-stop window for the wider region. “We are a strategic and unique platform for cooperation, consultation, coordination and concerted action in the Greater Caribbean Region. We are well positioned to increase the impacts of programs and projects.”

The MoU and EUCLID University’s admission into the ACS as a Social Actor (June 2020) will allow for cooperation on the protection and preservation of the environment and the Caribbean Sea, sustainable tourism, disaster risk reduction, as well as scientific and technological development, among other areas.



EUCLID is a specialised intergovernmental organisation established in 2008, holding a university mandate and charter published in the United Nations Treaty Series. It is among the world's few "international/intergovernmental" universities, and a full member in good standing of key academic bodies, including the Academic Council on the United Nations Systems (ACUNS), UN Academic Impact, UN PRME, etc. EUCLID is duly listed in the UNESCO IAU World Higher Education Database (WHED) which is used throughout the UN employment system and by credentials evaluators.

About the ACS

Established in 1994, the Association of Caribbean States is an organisation for consultation, cooperation and concerted action in the Greater Caribbean. The organisation’s work is focused on: cooperation in the areas of: disaster risk reduction; sustainable tourism; trade, transport & external economic relations; and the protection of the Caribbean Sea. The ACS has 25 Member States, 10 Associate Members 7 Founding Observers and 29 Observer members.

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