About the Ministerial Council
The Ministerial Council is one of the main organs of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS). It meets once per year, according to Number 3 of Article 11 of the Convention, and Article 8 of Agreement No. 5/95. Recently, this Meeting occurs at the end of January in the country that holds the Chairmanship of the Ministerial Council of the Association.
In this light, the next Meeting of the Ministerial council, the 17th Ordinary Meeting, will be held from January 23-25, 2008 in Panama City, Republic of Panama. In accordance to what is laid out in Article 10 of the Convention establishing the ACS, the Ministerial Council “shall be the principal Organ for policy-making and direction of the Association”.
As such, according to what is stipulated in Article 9 of the Convention, it has among other functions and responsibilities:
- to define courses of action, policies and programmes of the Association;
- to analyse and adopt the biennial Work Programme and Budget of the Association;
- to consider and determine applications for Membership, Associate membership or Observer status with the Association;
- to appoint the Secretary-General and such other senior officials of the Secretariat as it may deem appropriate;
- to establish statutes and guidelines governing the functioning of the Association;
- to authorise the negotiation and conclusion, by the Secretary-General, of agreements with third parties, institutions or groups of states or other entities as may be required for the advancement of the work of the Association;
- to recommend and/or adopt amendments to the Convention proposed by Member States in accordance with Article XXVIII;
- to perform such other functions as may be determined by the Meeting of Heads of State or Government.
15th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council in Mexico, January 2010