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Consultation summary and messages for Caribbean marine resource policy-makers and other stakeholders
Association of Caribbean States Publication:
9 July 2010 Document ID:
CSC_Summary_2011 Consultation summary and messages for Caribbean marineresource policy-makers and other stakeholders
What is the Caribbean SeaCommission (CSC)?
The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) andpartners have been pursuing the Caribbean SeaInitiative since 1998 through the UNGA Resolution(63-214) ‘Towards the sustainable development of theCaribbean Sea for present and future generations’ atthe UN General Assembly. In the process, the CSC wasestablished in 2008 to promote and oversee thesustainable use of the Caribbean Sea.
What is the purpose of the CSC?
The CSC would have the following characteristics:
- It would make best use of the full range ofinformation and expertise available in the region bycreating an effective network;
- It would allow for two-way communication andinformation flow: upwards from informationsources through an advisory mechanism to policymakers and back down for feedback and queries;
- It processes would be regular and transparent.