Guidelines for presentations
Presentations will be of 20 15 minutes duration. There will be a maximum of 15 10 minutes for presentationand 5 minutes for questions and turnover of speakers. To facilitate this, we suggest a maximum of 15 12 slidesin the PowerPoint presentation. You may use PowerPoint 2007. Experience with the room to be used suggeststhat a font size of 24pt in PowerPoint is the minimum that can be read from the back of the room and that alarger font is much appreciated by participants.
The purpose of the presentations is to increase awareness among participants regarding the scope of regionalorganisations and activities rather than to provide details of activities, i.e. the intention is to develop the ‘bigpicture’ of regional governance. Therefore, unhurried synoptic presentations are more likely to have an impacton the group thinking and to f eed into the discussions. If you wish to share additional detail with participants,handouts can be provided.