ACS Secretary-General meets with Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister

Her Excellency Noemi Espinoza Madrid, Secretary-General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), held a virtual meeting with His Excellency Valdrack Jaentschke, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua, on January 16, 2025.

The newly appointed Secretary-General outlined her vision for the ACS, emphasizing the principles of dialogue and collaboration as crucial pathways to achieving sustainable development in the Greater Caribbean. She highlighted the Secretariat's commitment to strengthening its collaboration with the Government of Nicaragua, pointing out that the participation of all Member States is vital to ensure the success of the ACS's initiatives.

Secretary-General Espinoza expressed her sincere gratitude to the Government of Nicaragua for endorsing her nomination as the candidate for the Group of Central America for the position of Secretary-General of the ACS.

As the ACS embarks on a new chapter under Secretary-General Espinoza's leadership, the organization looks forward to advancing its mission towards a more sustainable and resilient Greater Caribbean.

Sobre la AEC

La Asociación de Estados del Caribe es la organización para la consulta, la cooperación y la acción concertada en la esfera del comercio, el transporte, el turismo sostenible y los desastres naturales en el Gran Caribe. Sus Estados Miembros son Antigua y Barbuda, Las Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, República Dominicana, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, México, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panamá, St. Kitts y Nevis, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Surinam, Trinidad y Tobago, y Venezuela. Sus Miembros Asociados son Aruba, Curazao, (Francia, en nombre de Guyana Francesa, San Bartolomé y San Martín), Guadalupe, Los Países Bajos, en nombre de Bonaire, Saba y Sint Eustatius, Martinica, Sint Maarten, Islas Turcas y Caicos.