The Ministerial Council
This is the main governing body of the ACS, which sets out the policies necessary to implement the Articles of the Convention establishing the ACS. Its functions include monitoring the operation of the Secretariat; appointing the Secretary-General; forming Special Committees; deciding on matters of membership; convening Summits, and approving work plans and budgets, amongst other responsibilities. It holds an Annual Ordinary Meeting. The Board (consisting of a President, two Vice Presidents and a Rapporteur each nominated from a different geographic sub-group of the ACS) guides and monitors the implementation of the work program.
The ACS Ministerial Council is presently constituted as follows:
Chair: | ![]() |
Vice-Chair: | ![]() |
Vice-Chair: | ![]() |
Rapporteur: | ![]() |
The Executive Board
The Executive Board of the Ministerial Council consists of a Chairman, two Vice-Chairman and a Rapporteur, who are appointed during the meeting of the Ministerial Council and perform their functions until the end of the next meeting of the Council. This appointment is carried out on the basis of geographic and linguistic rotation among the groups that make up the Association, with each of the groups deciding internally the country that will fill that post.
The Executive Board provides guidance and ensures follow-up of and coordination in the implementation of the Association's Work Programme. The Executive Board meets on a biannual basis in the periods between the Intersessional Meetings and the Ordinary Meetings of the Ministerial Council.
The Special Committees
The Ministerial Council has established Special Committees, to assist in the implementation of the ACS Plan of Action objectives. In addition to any duties assigned by the Ministerial Council, they will also the responsible for:
- Proposing and submitting for the approval of the Ministerial Council, action guidelines for their work and an annual Work Programme for the areas falling within their competence.
- Monitoring and assessing the activities of the Work Programme in their area and submit an Annual Report to the Ministerial Council.
- Promoting the active participation of all Member States and Associate Members in their work.
- Acting in coordination with the other Special Committees and the Secretariat
- Convening Member States, Associate Members, Observers, and Social Partners to share experiences that will further the programmes approved by the Ministerial Council, or to propose to it the adoption of new programmes.
The Special Committees established by the ACS Ministerial Council are as follows:
Caribbean Sea Commission (CSC)
The Caribbean Sea Commission (CSC) was created in 2006 under the auspices of the ACS, through the Ministerial Council Agreement 6/06 entitled ‘Creation of the follow-up commission for the Caribbean Sea Initiative’. It was created with the objective of promoting and contributing to the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations. Specifically, the CSC aims to promote the cooperation and coordination of actions related to the Sustainability of the Caribbean Sea. A forum where science meets policy, the CSC provides critical scientific and legal advice to policymakers through its sub-commissions.
The sustainability of the Caribbean Sea is threatened by a variety of on-going issues such as overfishing, pollution and habitat degradation, as well as emerging critical issues, such as the unprecedented inundation of the sargassum seaweed, as well as the spread of invasive species, which both present serious hazards to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the Caribbean. Many of these issues are multi-national in nature, as such addressing them in a coordinated and cooperative manner offer the best possibility of management success.
The CSC represents the commitment of the ACS Member States to the projection and preservation of this invaluable common patrimony of the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Sea Commission is presently constituted as follows:
Chair: | ![]() |
Vice-Chair: | ![]() |
Vice-Chair: | ![]() |
Rapporteur: | ACS Secretariat |
The Secretariat
The role of the Secretariat is to implement the mandates arising from the meetings of the Ministerial Council. The ACS Secretariat, headquartered in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, is supported by 32 full time members of staff, most of whom are bilingual, or trilingual.
Since the official languages of the Association are English, French and Spanish, all documents are prepared and distributed in the three official languages and interpretation is provided at all meetings of the organisation.
Led by the Secretary-General, the Secretariat, assists the Ministerial Council and Special Committees in the development and implementation of their policies and programmes. In order to fulfil this role, it is called upon to:
- Maintain political relations with members and maintain contact with other sub-regional, regional and international organisations;
- Mobilise funds for projects;
- Service the meetings of the Ministerial Council and the Special Committees and take appropriate action issues arising at those meetings;
- Disseminate information to Member States, Associate Members and to other relevant entities; and
- Manage the finances and ensure the smooth running of the Association.
Office of the Secretary-General
The Secretary-General is nominated by the Ministerial Council from among the main groups country groups that make up the ACS, for a period of four years. As outlined in the Convention Establishing the ACS, the Secretary-General is the Association’s Chief Administrative Officer and is responsible for developing and maintaining political relations and fostering cooperation with and amongst Member Countries, Associate Member Countries, Observers and third parties.
The Secretary-General ensures the operation of the Association and its financial management, among other activities. To this end, they report to the Summit of Heads of State and or Government every three years and to the highest decision making body of the ACS, the Ministerial Council and its Executive Board annually.
The Secretary-General has responsibility for the Intersessional Meeting, Special Committee for Budget and Administration and the Coordination Mechanism as part of his executive fiduciary responsibility and of all other Special Committees of the ACS. In supporting the Special Committees of the ACS, they are assisted by the 3 Directorates of the ACS.
The current and 8th Secretary-General of the ACS, Ambassador Noemí Espinoza Madrid assumed office in January 2025.
Over its thirty year existence, the ACS has been served by eight Secretaries-General:
Ambassador Noemí Espinoza Madrid2025 – Present | Honduras
Rodolfo Sabonge2020 – 2024 | Panama
Dr. June Soomer2016 - 2020 | Saint Lucia
Dr. Alfonso Múnera2012 – 2016 | Colombia
Luis Falla2008 – 2012 | Guatemala
Dr. Rubén Silié2004 – 2008 | Dominican Republic
Professor Norman Girvan2000 – 2004 | Jamaica
Dr. Simón Molina1995 – 2000 | Venezuela
The Secretary-General is supported in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities to manage the ACS’ internal and external relations, its corporate operations, and legal matters by the Secretary-General’s Office. This office comprises:
The Directorates play a crucial role in supporting the work of the Office of the Secretary General. Under the direction of the Secretary General, they are responsible for each of the focal areas and for implementing the work plans outlined in the ACS Action Plan, and collaborate with other relevant bodies to achieve these objectives.
The ACS Directorates are as follows: