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Press Releases

ACS & DP World to Deliver Maritime Course to Greater Caribbean Professionals

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ACS and DP World to Deliver Maritime Course to Greater Caribbean Professionals

The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and Dubai Ports (DP) World will jointly deliver the Second Course on Maritime Port Upgrade for Executives of the Greater Caribbean. The two-session course will take place on March 23rd and 31st, 2021, and targets port management staff, logistics operators and policy makers from throughout the Greater Caribbean.

The course is being convened under the theme “Looking towards the Future of Ports in the Caribbean”  which supports the region’s adaptation and transformation of maritime and port management to the coronavirus’ impact and the dire need in the Greater Caribbean to refocus and modernise operations to become more sustainable and resilient.

The course will feature industry leaders in maritime logistics, ICT, finance and security   from world renowned organisations and will build capacity in topics such as maritime cybersecurity, digitalisation and automation, port operations and management, and maritime technology. These key areas are crucial to finding opportunities and solutions needed for formulating strategies and planning which, in turn, will allow ports in the region to become more efficient and competitive on the heels of the post-pandemic era.

Dubai Ports (DP) World is a leading enabler of global trade. From its humble beginnings in 1972, it has expanded its business to include technical expertise and capacity building in areas related to port operations and supply chain logistics on a global scale.

For more information please contact the Directorate of Trade and Sustainable Development: [email protected]

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