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Press Releases

ACS meets the United Nations Development Programme

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The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) through the Directorate for Cooperation and Resource Mobilization (DCRM), under the stewardship of the Director Ingrid Anabella Jacobs, held a meeting on March 14 with Claudia Bresanovich, Specialist in alliances and resource mobilization of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). During the meeting, the DCRM and UNDP teams discussed the proposed Work Plan for the year 2022 that will be developed jointly with the ACS, common interests and areas of cooperation. The meeting allowed for the concrete expression of ideas and specific areas of cooperation.

For UNDP, gender equality is a cross-cutting issue of high priority, which is of mutual interest for the ACS. As such, conversations ensued around the support of initiatives and the creation of projects that encompass gender equality, a fundamental issue for the development of the Greater Caribbean, as well as other thematic areas, namely tourism, institutional strengthening and internships.

The meeting was fruitful and will allow laying the foundations for the development of joint activities and projects that generate a positive impact for the benefit of the Greater Caribbean region.

The meeting was also attended by Analyst Josefina Vargas Llosa, and UNDP Program Specialist, Richard Kelly, while Lionel Michel - Cooperation Advisor, Kafi Nicholas - Administrative Assistant, and Johakson Moncada - Research Assistant, participated on behalf of the DCRM.