The Association of Caribbean States participates in the 36th Session of the ECLAC Committee of the Whole

The Association of Caribbean States participated in the 36th Session of the ECLAC Committee of the Whole which took place at the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York.
The opening remarks were delivered by the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Rodolfo Solano, followed by the intervention of Alicia Bárcenas, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, who presented the report: "An Innovative Financing for Development Agenda for the Recovery of Latin America and the Caribbean".
ACS Secretary General, Rodolfo Sabonge, referred to the scope of the ACS in terms of its membership and its areas of focus; and also spoke about the new Plan of Action to be presented in the first four months of 2022.
"The new Plan of Action is based on solidarity and the hope that in close collaboration and with the support of a network of development partners, including ECLAC and other observers, results and benefits will be achieved that will underpin the resilience and sustainability of the region," said Rodolfo Sabonge.
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