acs aec
our membership

Directorate for Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation


The Directorate for Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation (DCRM) is a cross-cutting unit which promotes cooperation on projects and initiatives for the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean region in the priority areas of the Association.;

The Directorate was restructured in 2018, revitalising its scope and mechanisms for promoting financial and technical cooperation, including the hosting of an annual International Cooperation Conference and the administration of the Special Fund. The Directorate and its mechanisms for cooperation are currently governed under Ministerial Agreements 04/96, 17/18, 22/18 and 4/20.;

Serving as the primary liaison between the ACS and its development partners, the Directorate facilitates coordination with the other ACS technical directorates and assists in the elaboration of cooperation agreements, memoranda of understanding, inter-institutional work plans, project technical sheets and communication materials. It also promotes institutional strengthening in the administration of development projects by coordinating training, updating best practices in evaluation and monitoring processes, and improving institutional instruments for the construction of project concept documents and the presentation of their results.

The Directorate also reviews ACS projects, programmes and initiatives with regional impact, prioritising those requiring resource mobilisation and financing for immediate implementation. It achieves this through working in constant synergy with the other Directorates and offices of the ACS to design designs tools, plans, systems and methods for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of ACS projects.

Currently, the Directorate defines its objectives and strategies based on the ACS Plan of Action 2022-2028, which seeks to promote multidimensional cooperation as a fundamental tool for the development of the Greater Caribbean region. In particular, the activities outlined in Directorate’s Work Programme speak United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 17 in its focus on revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.

Initiatives Undertaken
ACS Regional Catalogue of South-South Cooperation

Both an informative tool, and a steady platform, the Catalogue allows the ACS Membership to share successful projects in the priority areas of interest to the Greater Caribbean. Initially launched in 2022 after being proposed by Guatemala as Chair of the Ministerial Council, this initiative has published two (2) editions thus far.

Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of development projects

The Handbook provides practical frameworks and methodologies to effectively assess and track the progress and impact of development projects, offering comprehensive guidance to ACS technical, legal and administrative offices.

ACS Cooperation Magazine

A resourceful and an insightful guide for ACS cooperation achievements, and current updates on the priority areas of interest to the Greater Caribbean. The magazine has published four (4) editions since 2017.

Establishment of the Special Fund

A tool for fostering cooperation for development among the Members of the Association, and deepening the integration process in the Region (Art. 2, Agreement No. 4/96)

SHOCS Project

Implementation of the SHOCS (Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological Operations and Services in the Caribbean SIDS) Project, in partnership with Finland.

Regional Network of Artisans in Tourism of the Greater Caribbean

Establishment of the Regional Network of Artisans in Tourism of the Greater Caribbean, in collaboration with the Republic of Korea.

AMEXCID-ACS 2016 Agenda

Implementation of the "AMEXCID-ACS 2016 Agenda" in collaboration with AMEXCID/Mexico.