acs aec
Founding observer


The Summit of the ACS is the most important meeting of the organization – held periodically at the very highest level, facilitating the convergence of Heads of State and/or Government or their High Level Representatives from the entire Membership of the organization, being Member States, Associate Members, Founding Observer Organizations, Observer Countries, Social Actors, Observer Organizations, as well as Specially Invited Guests from other International and Regional organizations.

All meet in culmination of prior technical discussions and preparation, to reaffirm and recommit to the organization’s goals, objectives and plan of action that would benefit the peoples of the region that is the Greater Caribbean.

Integral to Summit proceedings, is the discussion of regional and global affairs, more specifically as they relate to regional cooperation on the focal areas of the Association, viz: Sustainable Tourism; Trade Development and External Economic Relations; Air and Maritime Transport and Disaster Risk Reduction.

The Summit caucus or retreat allows for the conscientious examination and analysis of these issues and/or problems faced by the region and to further stimulate collaborative and concerted action.

Also an integral part and highlight of the Summit, is the adoption and signing of the Declaration, whereby regional Leaders reaffirm, commit and instruct for the successful undertaking of proposed policies, positions and actions outlined in the document.

Following the Signing of the Convention establishing the Association of Caribbean States, ACS, on July 24th, 1994, the Inaugural Summit of ACS Heads of State and or Government was held in August 1995, in Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Host Country to the Association.

Said Inaugural Summit produced the Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action on Tourism, Trade and Transportation.

The Second ACS Summit took place in April 1999 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Whose Theme/Purpose was - To analyze the progress made by the ACS from 1995 to 1999 and to determine the projection of the Caribbean region into the 21st century.

The Third ACS Summit was held in December 2001, on Margarita Island, Venezuela under the Theme “The Consolidation of the Greater Caribbean”, and with the purpose To strengthen the ACS as a body for consultation, concerted action and cooperation and aim to promote a Caribbean identity.

The Fourth ACS Summit was celebrated in July, 2005 in Panama City, Panama and leaders were motivated by the Theme/Purpose of Giving the Association new political impetus.

In February 2012, during the 17th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council, the Government of Haiti manifested their concern that a Summit had not been held in seven years, and so proposed their hosting of the Fifth Summit of Heads of State and/or Government with the following theme:


The Fifth ACS Summit therefore took place in Pétion Ville, Haiti on April 23-26, 2013, with the purposes of Strengthening the required synergies at the level of the Greater Caribbean through a deep and positive interaction among the Heads of State of the region and in the states areas of interest; and to Strengthen the operations of the ACS, enabling it to fulfil its key objectives. In keeping with developing functional cooperation among the Members of the organization, the Fifth Summit also addressed matters relating to education, culture, science, as well as gender, the empowerment of women in the Greater Caribbean Region.

Moreover, during the afore-mentioned Fifth Summit, His Excellency Enrique Peña Nieto, President of the United Mexican States, offered to host the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and/or Government with the Purpose and Theme: In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Association of Caribbean States; ACS 20/20: Present and Future.

The Sixth Summit was attended by 15 Heads, 3 Vice-Presidents, 20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 8 Vice Ministers, being: 36 delegations from 24 Member States, 5 Associate Members, 17 Observer Countries, 5 Founding Observer Organizations, 17 Observer countries and 17 Special guests.

All Heads reaffirmed the Association’s value as an important, necessary and timely space for exchange and co-operation in the interest of progress in the Greater Caribbean.