The Contracting States:
Committed to initiating a new era characterised by the strengthening of cooperation and of the cultural, economic, political, scientific, social and technological relations among themselves;
Convinced that enhanced cooperation among the States, Countries and Territories of the Caribbean, building upon their geographical proximity and historical linkages, will contribute to the future cultural, economic and social development of their peoples transcending their separateness of the past;
Conscious of the need to forge an effective and timely response to the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalisation of the international economy and by the progressive liberalisation of hemispheric trade relations;
Prepared to promote, consolidate and strengthen the regional cooperation and integration process in the Caribbean Region in order to create an enhanced economic space that will contribute to its more competitive participation in international markets and facilitate active and coordinated participation by the region in the various multilateral fora;
Author: Association of Caribbean States
Publication: 24 July 1994
Document ID: ACS/Convention/
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