Requests for Expressions of Interest - Consulting Services
The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through the Regional Public Goods (RPG) Initiative toward the implementation the Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises International Trade and Development Project. Eligible consulting firms are hereby invited to provide their services to develop an E-commerce Readiness Capacity-Building Programme described in the attached Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI).
Expressions of interest must be emailed in a written form in English to [email protected] by 17 October, 2024 23:59 (AST).
Duration of consultancy: 12 months
Expected start date: March 2025
Duties and responsibilities: The ACS is seeking a firm to:
- Carry out a mapping and situational analysis of the capacity of MSMEs and business support organizations (including SBDCs), to support MSMEs’ digitalization efforts, and to adopt the use of e-commerce in their business operations; the analysis should focus on nuances within the three target sectors (community-based tourism, agribusiness and creative industries) in the six beneficiary countries (Barbados, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago);
- Develop a comprehensive E-Commerce Readiness Handbook applicable to business support organizations and MSMEs across various the three target sectors
- To operationalize the actionable solutions in the Handbook, develop and deliver an online the online training programme for the business support organisations (BSOs) and MSMEs in the targeted sectors
Nationality: Your firm must be registered in one of the IDB member countries to qualify.
To ensure that we receive your proposal, we encourage firms to transmit large files (any file exceeding 4 MB) via a downloadable link (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, wetransfer etc.)
Author: Association of Caribbean States
Publication: 08 October 2024
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