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Press Releases

ACS and CAF seek to improve regional connectivity and logistics

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The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) met virtually to explore alternatives to address connectivity and logistics issues in the Greater Caribbean region.

Rodolfo Sabonge, Secretary General of the ACS, said the first step to improving the current situation is to assess the logistics landscape in the Greater Caribbean region with respect to climate change and the decarbonization of operations. He also noted that the pandemic highlighted the need to leverage digital transformation to improve connectivity and logistics in the Greater Caribbean region.

CAF's Vice President for Infrastructure, Rafael Farromeque, expressed CAF's interest in leveraging the ACS's knowledge of the region to facilitate the structuring of specific projects that promote inter-regional connectivity.

In 2007, the ACS, in conjunction with the Central American Maritime Transport Commission (COCATRAM), the Cuban Ministry of Transport (MITRANS) and the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), initiated the Maps of Maritime Routes of the Greater Caribbean project, which provides up-to-date information on the location of port services available in the region.

The ACS and CAF will work together to design projects involving external teams to avoid duplication of efforts, and thus facilitate integration between the public and private sectors.

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