ACS Enhances Capacity Building Efforts in Port & Maritime Sector with Virtual Training
The Association of Caribbean States (ACS), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), hosted a Course on Maritime Port Upgrade for Executives of the Greater Caribbean which took place virtually during the first two weeks of October, 2020. The main objective was to build capacity among port executives and managers and update their skills so that they are better equipped and positioned to analyse key issues related to the changing industry. The online training was geared towards officials directly involved in work at regional ports. Approximately forty (40) Port Management officials from seventeen (17) ACS Member States and one (1) Specially Invited Organisation participated.
The interactive course was structured with fifteen (15) modules delivered over thirty (30) hours by ECLAC experts in the fields of Trade and Transport. Dealing with current trends and prospects for the future of ports in the Greater Caribbean, the presentations by the ECLAC instructors were underpinned by a strategic regional and global vision of the development of the port and maritime industry. Some of the topics analysed were Port Economics, Natural Disasters, Challenges of Port Logistics and Port Cities, National Logistics Policies, and New Technologies in Ports, among others. The focus was on the economic and sustainability aspects of ports, inclusive of the need to employ new governance, as well as the adoption of new technologies to drive competitiveness, productivity and efficiency, and how to mitigate against natural and man-made risks.
Participants opined that the training was very timely owing to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic to Caribbean countries, economies and ports. It was expressed that the information imparted was very useful and informative for strategic planning in the short, medium and long term.
The training formed part of a wider ACS initiative to reinforce capacity building among its Membership, in the different focal areas under the purview of the Association, including Trade Development and External Economic Relations, Transport, and Sustainable Tourism. The ACS continues to partner and collaborate with stakeholders to bring meaningful training activities to strengthen the technical know-how of the peoples of the Greater Caribbean region.
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The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) is an intergovernmental organization comprising 25 Memb