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ACS meets the European Union

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The Directorate for Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation (DCRM), under the stewardship of Director Ingrid Jacobs, the Directorate for Trade and Sustainable Development (DTSD), under the stewardship of Director Safiya Horne-Bique, and the Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction Environment and the Caribbean Sea (DRECS), under the stewardship of Director Ana Ramírez Cuevas of the Association of Caribbean States, held a meeting on March 9th with His Excellency, Ambassador Peter Cavendish and other representatives from the Delegation of the European Union in Trinidad and Tobago.

During the meeting, ACS Directorates provided a brief presentation in respect of the purpose of each Directorate with emphasis on how the EU’s new Strategy aligned with ACS priorities. The EU and ACS understand that joint work and partnerships can tackle the adverse effects of the pandemic in the Greater Caribbean region and contribute to the fulfilment of the SDGs especially in the areas of trade, digital commerce,  tourism and climate change. Mrs. Safiya Horne Bique, DTSD Director, discussed possibilities for cooperation in sustainable tourism, trade development and transport. Ms. Ana Ramírez Cuevas, DRECS Director, explained to the participants the concept of “disaster” and provided examples of the asymmetries of climate change in the Caribbean. Ms. Ingrid Jacobs, DCRM Director, addressed the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD+), and explained how partnering on regional projects could amplify positive impacts taking into account the platform offered by the ACS.

His Excellency, Ambassador Peter Cavendish, illustrated the possibilities of joint collaboration and focused on the significant work DG ECHO is doing in the area of disaster and risk reduction, and further underscored that the EU is token on participating in short-term projects related to digitalization, ecotourism, tourism industry, and tourism education. He also outlined the EFSD+ budget, and provided essential information that would significantly help the ACS in the promotion of its projects, programmes, and initiatives.

Other participants from the European Union included Mr. Juan Luis Molinuevo, Project Manager, Mr. Zé Alves-Pereira, Programme Officer; and Sanjin Soldatic, Political Officer. Other participants from the ACS included DCRM personnel Lionel Michel, Kafi Nicholas, and Johakson Moncada.

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