Free Webinar - Microplastics in the Caribbean: sources, impacts and monitoring methodologies

An increasing amount of evasive plastic fragments smaller than 5 mm in length (Microplastics) are found in the water of the Caribbean Sea annually. The management of these Microplastics are proving to be an increasing challenge for the Greater Caribbean region. The impacts of these Microplastics on the environment and human health are the subject of ongoing research and studies in the region.
It is necessary to raise awareness of this emerging issue , promote initatives that reduce plastic waste entering the marine environment and develop policy interventions that encourage better management of this pollutant.
In collaboration with the Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)- Secretariat of the Cartagena Convention, the Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID), the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV), and the Regional Training and Technology Transfer Centre of the Basel Convention for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean), the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) invites you to join us for a 5 day seminar that aims to increase regional understanding of the origin of plastic waste, current initiatives to study this waste and its impacts and current attempts find long-term solutions to combat this pollution.
This free webinar will be presented in 3 languages English, French and Spanish and will provide key information on the protection and detoxification of the Caribbean Sea. This week-long seminar will comprise of multiple presentations and speakers and will take place virtually, using the WebEx platform from 31 October to 04 November 2022 from 10:00AM to 2:30PM.
Please see below for more details and click the links below to register.
DAY 1 - The large marine ecosystems of the Greater Caribbean and their importance for tourism, fisheries and new blue economy opportunities
Mangroves micro ecosystems - Oliver Gros, Professor of Biological Organisms, Université des Antilles
Ecosystems in the Caribbean- Dr Anjani Ganase, Coral Reef Ecologist, Institute of Marine Affairs
The Caribbean and Tourism - Tenisha Brown-Williams, Research Assistant/Adjunct Lecturer/PhD Candidate,The University of the West Indies
Click HERE to register for Day 1
DAY 2- Microplastics in the Caribbean Sea - State of Knowledge
Marine Litter - Aleke Stöfen O’Brien, Assistant Professor (Research/Ocean Sustainability, Governance & Management), World Maritime University
Overview of Microplastics with non-invasive methods in marine species in the Caribbean - Dalila Aldana Aranda, Professor of Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City (Cinvestav)
Microplastics status in the Caribbean - La Daana Kanhai, Lecturer Department of Life Sciences. The University of the West Indies St. Augustine
Microplastics in the Amazon - Caribbean Basin - Martinelli Filho, Professor,
Federal University of Pará, Faculty of Oceanography
Microplastics pollution in water, sediments - Luisa Espinosa, Lead Researcher, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR)
Click HERE to register for Day 2
DAY 3- Microplastics contamination in different environments
Microplastics in Beaches - Nelson Rangel Buitrago, Full Professor of Geology at the University of Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia
Microplastics in fishes - Hector Reyes-Bonilla, Lecturer, Department of Marine Biology, Autonomous University of Baja California Sur
Impacts of microplastics in mangrove/sensitive ecosystems- Mrs Wendy Nelson, Analytical Chemist, Institute of Marine Affairs
Presence of Microplastics in fishes and water -Clare Morral, Professor, Department of Biology, Ecology and Conservation, St. George's University,
Nanoplastics - Pierre-Yves Pascal, Université des Antilles Systématique-Adaptation-Evolution
Click HERE to registar for Day 3
DAY 4 - Human Health impacts and remediation
Microplastic Research at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency– Kay Ho, Calista Mills; Troy Pierce - USEPA
An overview of the effects of nanoplastics in fish- Mariana Teles Pereira, Ramón y Cajal Researcher, Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Bio-remediation - Amelia Ferres, Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México.
Circular Economy - Cristina Cortinas, President of the Cristina Cortinas Foundation
Surveys of perception of plastics and State of cleanliness of beaches - Alethia Vazquez Morillas Professor-Researcher, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Click HERE to register for Day 4
DAY 5- Governance Frameworks, Policies and legal responses & Best practices to address plastic pollution
Best Practices - legislation to address Microplastics pollution in the Caribbean Sea – Senator Beatriz Paredes; Member of the Senate of the Republic of Mexico and Christopher Corbin, Coordinator of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Cartagena Convention.
Best practices at landfills- Basel Convention Regional Center- Caribbean
Click HERE to register for Day 5
Please note that the presentations and agenda above are subject to change. Please check back here for the most up to date details of the event.
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