acs aec

The Special Committees

Assistance Programme for the work of the ACS Secretariat regarding Special and Differential Treatment (SDT)

Project ID: ACS-TD-002

Financed by: Ford Foundation, ACS

Status: Completed

Welcome and Opening

Remarks by the Director of ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the CaribbeanDaniel Blanchard

Remarks by the Director of Foreign Policy and External Economic Relations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)Fay Housty

Remarks by the Chairman of the ACS Special Committee on Trade Development H.E. Carlos Isidro Echeverría, Ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica in Trinidad and Tobago

Remarks by the Minister of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and TobagoHonourable Kenneth Valley

I. Evolution of Special and Differential Treatment and Small Economies

Special and Differential Treatment in Trade Regimes: A comparative analysis between the WTO, the FTAA and the EPA’sH.E. Ambassador Miguel Ceara-Hatton, Consultant to the Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)


International trade negotiations and small economies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asymmetries and special and differential treatment(Word Document)Antonio Romero, Coordinator of International Trade Negotiations, Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American Economic System (SELA)

Special and Differential Treatment for Small Developing CountriesDeryck Brown, Director of Technical Cooperation, Caribbean Negotiating Machinery (CRNM)

II. Treatment of the asymmetries in the current negotiation process Special and Differential Treatment Shishir Priyadarshi, Counselor, Development Division of the WTO Secretariat

A perspective on external trade negotiations: The issue of Special and Differential Treatment for OECS Member States (Document) Rasona Davis, Economic Affairs Officer, Secretariat of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

III. The future of SDT in the FTAA framework, mechanisms for its effective implementation



Special and differential treatment: Effects and implications for small open economies Esteban Pérez, ECLAC Sub-Regional Headquarters for the Caribbean, Port of Spain 

Trade Competitiveness of Smaller Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean Ricardo Zapata, Chief of Trade and Integration, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for Mexico

The Future of Special and Differential Treatment in the FTAA Patsy Lewis, Patricia Northover, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies (SALISES)

IV. Regional Co-operation Fund in the Greater Caribbean. Structure and mechanisms to effectively provide the assistance required by the countries of the Greater Caribbean

Hemispheric Co-operation Programme Santiago Apunte Franco, Chairman of the FTAA Consultative Group on Small Economies 

Study on the possible structure of a Regional Co-operation Fund taking into consideration the Hemispheric Co-operation Programme of the FTAA William Arrocha, Director of the Trade Policy Programme, Monterey Institute of International Studies 

CommentsCompton Bourne, President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)Michael Baptiste, Senior Operations Specialist for the Trinidad and Tobago Office of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

V. Trade Liberalisation and Economic Development: a strategy for the Greater Caribbean. Interactive session in working groups


The future of special and differential treatment: implications and strategy for the Greater Caribbean

Regional Co-operation Fund in the area of Trade: mechanisms for its implementation 


VI. Instruments for analysing competitiveness and the importance of the international insertion of the Greater Caribbean

Computerised Instrument for analysing competitiveness: Introduction to the use ofMAGIC and CANEsteban Pérez, ECLAC Sub-regional Headquarters for the Caribbean, Port of Spain

The quality of international insertion and competitiveness in the Greater Caribbean applying ECLAC instruments in assessing competitiveness(Document)Esteban Pérez, ECLAC Sub-regional Headquarters for the Caribbean, Port of Spain