acs aec

The Special Committees

Green Response to Disasters

Project ID: ACS-ND-014

Financed by: Government of Trinidad and Tobago and other sources

Status: Implementation

The reality of climate change and its present and potential impact on our societies is now the subject of international consensus. Because of this awareness, sustainable development and ecological transition are key priorities among the challenges we now face.

By causing increasingly serious damage at more frequent intervals, climate change is complicating efforts to reduce poverty in already economically fragile areas.

As a developing region that has been frequently hit by different disasters, the Greater Caribbean is particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change, which has harmful consequences for economic and social development as well as political stability.

In the area of disaster risk reduction and management, the ACS has spearheaded a project, the objective of which is to promote a “green response”, that is, one that is sensitive to the environment during a disaster.

The project entitled “Green response to disasters” arose out of the need to take into account sustainable development, including during crisis situations, because in most cases, mobilisation in such situations is focused on the response to immediate needs without seeking to achieve long-term ecological effectiveness. These responses should respect the values and principles which can help minimise the impact of humans on the environment and thus facilitate sustainable development. The long-term objective is to promote at all levels, the ecological transition that our planet urgently needs.