acs aec

Press Releases

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The ACS Hosts Webinar on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems

On October 11 2022 the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), in collaboration with the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), the Kyoto University, the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management of Trinidad and Tobago (ODPM TT

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The Association of Caribbean States, the World Bank and several UN agencies announce an unprecedented partnership to address regional climate mobility

Greater Caribbean Climate Mobility Initiative to build political momentum for people-centred efforts to address climate-forced migration and displacement The Association of Caribbean States, the World Bank and several UN

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6th ACS International Cooperation Conference

Visit registerfor the 6th ACS International Cooperation Conference to be held in Havana, Cuba

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ACS will host a webinar on the theme, Investing in Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems to Empower those Most at Risk.

The Association of Caribbean States (ACS)ispleased to invite you to a virtual webinar entitled “Investing in Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems to Empower those Most at Risk” which will be held on October 11 2022 at 9:00 AM (GMT-4) in

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ACS Participates in the 4th Regional Dialogue Platform in Latin America and the Caribbean on Anticipatory Action

The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) participated in the 4th Regional Dialogue Platform in Latin America and the Caribbean on Anticipatory Action which took place from 28-29 September, 2022 in Antigua, Guatemala. The ACS was represented by

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World Tourism Day - September 27th, 2022

Theme: Rethinking Tourism In the mind of the traveler, the word “tourism” may evoke notions of relaxation, recreational activity, immersive cultural experiences or conducting business away from home. It all depends on the interests and

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ACS & CAF Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Join Forces for Sustainable Development

19/09/2022 The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) - Development Bank of Latin America have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which aims to formalize a non-exclusive cooperation

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International Coastal Clean-up Day 2022

Every September presents a special opportunity to join millions of volunteers across the globe and participate in World Clean-up Day. Founded by Linda Maraniss and Kathy O’Hara, International Coastal Clean-up day was first celebrated in