acs aec

Press Releases

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Director Eduardo José González Angulo appointed as Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the ACS

Port of Spain, (March 02, 2012) – The Director of Transport and Disaster Risk Reduction, Eduardo José Gonzalez Angulo was appointed as Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the ACS by the Chair of the of the Ministerial Council, the Republic of Panama, at

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Passing of Dr. Simón Molina Duarte 1st Secretary General of the ACS

Port of Spain, (February, 29, 2012)– The Secretary General Luis Fernando Andrade Falla and the Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States convey profound condolences on the passing of the First ACS Secretary General (1995-2000), His

Press releases images
Trinidad and Tobago to host ACS 17th Ministerial Meeting

Port of Spain, (January 30, 2012)– Foreign Affairs Ministers and their representatives will meet in Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from the 8th -10th February 2012 for the 17th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council of

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ACS promotes trade and investment with Haiti

(Port of Spain, January 9th – 12th 2012)The Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, His Excellency Luis Fernando Andrade Falla, visited Haiti on the invitation of the President of Haiti, His Excellency Michel Martelly,

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President of Haiti, H.E. Michel Joseph Martelly engages in talks with Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business

(Mt. Hope, December 9th 2011)The President of the Republic of Haiti, H.E. Michel Joseph Martelly, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Haiti, H.E. Mr. Laurent Lamothe, Ambassador of Haiti to CARICOM, Ambassador John Patrick Alexis and the

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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti visits the ACS

(Port of Spain, December 8th 2011)The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, H.E. Laurent Lamothe accompanied by Ambassador of Haiti to CARICOM, Ambassador John Patrick Alexis paid a courtesy call to the Secretary General of the Association

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SHOCS Capacity Assessment Meeting

(Port of Spain, November 21st – 22nd 2011)After signing a MOU in March 2011, the Association of Caribbean States and the Finnish Meteorological Institute have been jointly implementing the project, Strengthening of Hydro-Meteorological

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1st Forum on Cluster Development

(Port of Spain, November 9th 2011)The 1st Regional forum on Cluster Development was held on November 9th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Among the key speakers were the Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, His Excellency