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OAS approves Resolution “Support for the Work of the Caribbean Sea Commission.”

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Port of Spain (June 10th, 2011) –Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States Ambassador Luis Fernando Andrade Falla attended the 41st Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), which took place in El Salvador on June 5-7, 2011. Ambassador Andrade Falla met with the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza.

During the meeting Ambassador Andrade expressed his satisfaction at the adoption by the OAS General Assembly, regular session, of the resolution entitled “Support for the Work of the Caribbean Sea Commission.”

The abovementioned resolution recognizes the efforts of the Association of Caribbean States towards the formulation and implementation of regional initiatives aimed at promoting the conservation and sustainable management of coastal and maritime resource. Moreover, it acknowledges the importance of this matter to the Member States of the Greater Caribbean and proposes, for its implementation, coordinating initiatives with other bodies involved in this inter-American issue to contribute to the work plan of the Caribbean Sea Commission, which the Association of Caribbean States is promoting.

The resolution “Support for the Work of the Caribbean Sea Commission” further proposes conducting the consultations required for convening a working meeting with the above-mentioned bodies as soon as the parties so decide in order to establish guidelines for actions following up on the resolution.

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