acs aec

Passing of Dr. Norman Girvan – 2nd Secretary General of the ACS

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Port of Spain, (April  9th 2014) – Secretary General Alfonso Múnera and the Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States convey profound condolences on the passing of the Second ACS Secretary General (2000-2004), His Excellency Dr. Norman Girvan.


As Secretary General, Dr. Girvan advanced the work of the Association, tirelessly promoting the ACS as a Cooperation Zone, and reinforcing in no small measure, the foundations for what can be recognized today as a relevant forum for dialogue and concerted action.


The achievements of Dr Girvan are not limited to his work on the public arena, but were also reflected in his intra ACS relations. He was well respected and loved by staff and he believed in reciprocating that respect as well.


He continued the work at the ACS with a dream and passion that has been passed on to his successors, that the region will be recognized as a unified political and socio-economic force. We are confident to say that his legacy is still alive and gaining strength.


We extend our sincerest condolences to his family, friends and loved ones in this time of sorrow. May his soul be granted eternal peace.

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