acs aec


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(MFA&FT Kingston: September 3, 2015)-  The Secretary General of the thirty-two member Association of Caribbean States (ACS), His Excellency Ambassador Alfonso Múnera Cavadía, met with Senator the Honourable Arnold J. Nicholson, QC, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade today ( Thursday, September 3) at the Ministry’s offices in New Kingston, following his arrival in the island on Wednesday for a two-day working visit.


Also in the meeting were Ambassador Joy Wheeler, Under Secretary for Bilateral and Regional Affairs at the Ministry and Paula Velasquez-Lange, Political Adviser at the ACS.


Ambassador Múnera’s meeting with the Minister centred on the upcoming 1st Symposium of the Caribbean Sea Commission. This Commission is responsible for the promotion and oversight of the sustainable use of the Caribbean Sea.


Ambassador Múnera, who was elected as Secretary General of the ACS in April 2012 for a four-year term, served as Ambassador of Colombia to Jamaica from 1999 -2003, and has been hailed as an influential figure in the thrust for growth, development and cooperation within the region.


In addition to Minister Nicholson, Ambassador Múnera met with the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica and Professor Hilary Beckles, Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.


Jamaica is a founding member of the ACS and is currently a member of the Executive Board of the Special Committee on Trade and Development and External Economic Relations. The ACS provides a forum for political dialogue that allows Members the opportunity to identify areas of common interest and concern, for which solutions can be found through cooperation at the regional level.


Jamaica has benefitted from cooperation in various areas such as Trade and Investment, Trade Facilitation, Transportation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Promotion of Sustainable Tourism.



Ann-Margaret Lim


September 3, 2015

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