acs aec

International Women's Day

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Women- they are 50% of the global population. They nurture, they work, they educate, they innovate. They are the cornerstone of the home, the community, the economy of care and increasingly the workplace. And yet they receive unequal pay, their work is often unremunerated altogether, are overwhelmingly the most susceptible to gender based violence and are underrepresented in policy and politics. Women – they are strong though social, economic, political systems and norms would have them weak.

For their courage, endurance, productivity and care, the ACS celebrates women and girls on this International Women’s Day. The ACS pledges to do its part to advance the SDGs with gender sensitivity. The ACS salutes women and girls the world over and extends, with gratitude, congratulations on their achievements to date, a testimony to their resilience, determination and capacity. Happy International Women’s Day.

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