acs aec

ACS Participates at 67th UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas

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The Association of Caribbean States continues their commitment to Sustainable Tourism Development in the region and their reciprocal engagement with the United Nations World Tourism Organization by way of an invitation to participate in the 67th edition of the Regional Commission for the Americas in Punta del Este, Uruguay from May 19 – 20, 2022. The ACS is represented by Mr. Kennedy Pemberton, Adviser in the Directorate of Trade and Sustainable Development, with responsibility for Sustainable Tourism.

The annual Regional Commission for the Americas is one of the UNWTO’s most important calendar events, providing their Member States with a platform to discuss issues with regard to tourism development. The ACS, through its Directorate for Trade and Sustainable Development, will see its participation counted by contributing to the Tourism Policies Discussion on May 19th as well as a panellist on May 20th at the Seminar on the UNWTO International Code for the Protection of Tourists, a landmark document that aims for the elaboration and potential adoption of minimum tourist protection standards in times of crisis. This panel will see the ACS expound on the unique perspective in the Greater Caribbean region with regard to policy and legislation that support emergency tourist protections.

Through the renewed 3-year Memorandum of Understanding between both parties, the Code was presented to the ACS Membership through a training webinar dedicated to the broad theme of Tourism Safety, Security and Resilience in the Greater Caribbean tourism industry in November 2021.

The ACS remains committed to their Sustainable Tourism Development pursuits and is proud to continue to join regional conversations to remain at the forefront of industry developments for the benefit of our Membership.


For more information, please contact the Directorate for Trade and Sustainable Development:


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