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Executive Board of the ACS Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism

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The Association of Caribbean States through the Directorate for Trade and Sustainable Development, under the Chairmanship of Nicaragua, convened the Meeting of the Executive Board of the ACS Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism on June 1st 2022. The Executive Board shares the responsibility of guiding the execution of the work programme for Sustainable Tourism for the period 2022-2023. Comprising of Nicaragua, as Chair, Jamaica and Dominican Republic as Vice-Chair and Guyana as Rapporteur; the meeting facilitated the orientation of the new executive board members on its role and function in guiding the work. It also facilitated an introduction of each country representative on the board and the team at the Directorate for Trade and Sustainable Development. The meeting explored the landscape of the work the directorate has planned and is currently executing in the focal area sustainable tourism, and invited the board to share on the expected goals and activities envisioned for the year. The meeting concluded with the decision to host the 33rd Meeting of the Special Committee for Sustainable Tourism on the 30th of August 2022.

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