acs aec

Communiqués de presse

ACS and Curaçao meet to enhance collaborative efforts

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Tricia Barrow, Chief Executive Coordinator of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and Ms. Nzinga N.S. Waandels, Policy Officer from the Directorate of Foreign Relations of Curaçao, held a productive meeting to explore the possibilities of capacity building for young professionals, the purge of the sargassum and specific opportunities for more targeted participation of Curaçao in the work and projects of the ACS to deepen the Associate Member’s footprint in Greater Caribbean regional cooperation. Wayne Oudit, the Chief Operating Officer of the ACS, and Lisa Paul-Douglas, the Advisor for Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation, attended this meeting.

Moreover, they discussed forthcoming events in Suriname, including the 16th Business Forum of the Greater Caribbean, the 8th International Cooperation Conference, and the 29th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council Meeting. These events are pivotal in strengthening ties and fostering economic and political cooperation within the region and will lead to the celebration of the Association's 30th Anniversary.

Associate Member Curaçao has expressed its commitment to enhancing collaborative efforts as the Association works together towards mutual objectives.

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