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Communiqués de presse

Türkiye Commemorates 100 Years of Independence

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<p>Today, 29 October, Türkiye commemorates its 100th anniversary as an independent nation, marking the end of the Ottoman Empire that dominated for six centuries. Its history dates back to nomadic Turks tribes in the 13th century, who settled in Anatolia to escape the Mongols. Osman I led the founding of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century, aspiring to create a state that reflected the greatness of Islam.</p><p>The Ottoman Empire experienced a heyday in the 16th century under leaders such as Suleiman the Magnificent, contributing to cultural and artistic flourishing with a legacy of mosques, palaces and philosophers. However, it began to decline in the 17th and 18th centuries due to internal problems and the strength of European powers.</p><p>In the 19th century, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk led a transformation to modernise the country, adopting the Latin alphabet and establishing modern institutions. Despite these changes, the country retains a rich Ottoman heritage in its culture. The commemoration of this centenary celebrates Turkey&#039;s evolution from an ancient empire to a modern, sovereign nation.</p><p>Happy 100th Anniversary, Türkiye!</p><p>Source: Sagel, Mariela. &quot;En el centenario de Türkiye.&quot; La Estrella de Panamá,…, 29/10/2023</p>

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