acs aec

The ACS is Celebrating 25 Years Since its Establishment

Today, the ACS is celebrating 25 years since its establishment!

Against the backdrop of creating a new era of regional integration characterised by the strengthening of cooperation, the Convention establishing the Association of Caribbean States was signed on this date, July 24th, 1994, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. As enshrined in this Convention, the Association is an organisation for consultation, cooperation and concerted action, whose purpose is to identify and promote the implementation of policies and programmes in the Greater Caribbean. The Convention entered into force on August 4th, 1995. The focal areas include Trade, Transport, Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Risk Reduction. Other areas of special interest are the Caribbean Sea Commission, Culture, Science and Technology.

Read the Convention here:

Look at the Secretary General's Anniversary Message: 

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