ACS Secretary General meets with Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Dominica
Port of Spain (1 December, 2010) – The Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) welcomed the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Employment, Trade, Industry & Diaspora Affairs of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Ambassador Steve Ferrol, who made a courtesy visit to the Secretary General, Ambassador Luis Fernando Andrade Falla.
The Secretary General discussed with Ambassador Ferrol the important role for the Commonwealth of Dominica in the ACS agenda, and he provided an update on recent developments in the ACS focal areas of Trade, Transport, Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as the Caribbean Sea Commission.
Ambassador Andrade also mentioned some of the major accomplishments of his recently concluded official visit to France and Spain in order to promote the ACS agenda and relations with the European Union (EU). He emphasized the potential role of Guadeloupe and Martinique in developing and improving relations with the EU as Overseas Territories of France. France is an Associate Member of the ACS on behalf of Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana. The Secretary General also explained his exchanges with the authorities from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior, Overseas Territories & Territorial Collectivities.
Permanent Secretary Ferrol concluded the meeting by acknowledging the advancements made by the ACS in the recent years and expressed his appreciation for the courtesies extended by the Secretary General.
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