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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti visits the ACS

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(Port of Spain, December 8th 2011) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, H.E. Laurent Lamothe accompanied by Ambassador of Haiti to CARICOM, Ambassador John Patrick Alexis paid a courtesy call to the Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States Ambassador Luis Fernando Andrade Falla on Thursday 8th December 2011 at the ACS Secretariat.

Minister Lamothe used the opportunity to engage several prominent members of the Trinidad and Tobago business community that were also in attendance in discussions on the business prospects in Haiti for Trinidad and Tobago. In response to a question posed by the media on the perceived image of Haiti, Minister Lamothe emphasized that the current Haitian government is working on creating a more favourable image of Haiti as a destination for trade and investment.

The remarks from the business community showed overwhelming support to the notion of investing in Haiti which prompted Minister Lamothe to hint at the possibility of an ACS Business Summit to be held in Haiti.

In addressing the meeting, Secretary General Andrade Falla also expressed interest in this idea in an effort to create more opportunities for regional linkages especially in the field of trade and business. He complimented the Trinidad and Tobago business community for its innovativeness and initiative and assured Minister Lamothe for their positive contribution to the development of Haiti.

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