acs aec

Passing of Dr. Simón Molina Duarte 1st Secretary General of the ACS

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Port of Spain, (February, 29, 2012) – The Secretary General Luis Fernando Andrade Falla and the Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States convey profound condolences on the passing of the First ACS Secretary General (1995-2000), His Excellency Dr. Simón Molina Duarte.

Dr Molina served as Secretary General of the ACS at a critical stage in the development and implementation of this regional body and therefore was challenged with the task of promoting its significance on the regional and international platforms.

This Founding Father worked tirelessly in setting up the Secretariat: with Local staff seconded through the TT Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Professional staff lent to him by Member States and Founding Observers, and subsequently with the initial International staff. He requested liaison officials from Member States of only the highest level; he spearheaded inter alia, the Cooperation agreements that would govern the Association’s relations with other Organizations, International and Regional.

The achievements of Dr Molina are not limited to his work on the public arena, but were also reflected in his intra ACS relations. He was well respected and loved by staff and he believed in reciprocating that respect as well.

He started the work at the ACS with a dream and passion that has been passed on to his successors that the region will be recognized as a unified political and socio-economic force. As the ACS is on the verge of welcoming a new Secretary General, we are confident to say that his legacy is still alive and gaining strength.

We extend our sincerest condolences to his family, friends and loved ones and to the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in this time of sorrow. May his soul be granted eternal peace.

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