ACS participates in the Ibero-American Network of Export Promotion Agencies of the Latin American Region

The “Ibero Network” invited the ACS to participate in its 15th Ordinary Meeting, which was held in Bogota, Colombia from 31st October to 1 November, sponsored by PROEXPORT Colombia. This meeting was geared towards incorporating the ACS into the ongoing progress being made by the Ibero Network, in Latin America.
Having analysed the characteristics of both spaces, the Ibero Network agreed to hold a meeting with the APE’s / TPO’s of the Greater Caribbean, along with the Central American Alliance of Export Promotion Agencies, to jointly develop strategies, and at the same time to share with the Caribbean Network of APE’s / TPO’s, stimulating the growth of export between both hemispheres of the continent and its insertion into international trade.
Among those attending the meeting were the President of PROEXPORT Colombia, María Claudia Lacouture and the current President of the Ibero Network, César Freund, Director of the International Cooperation Unit of PROMPERU, as well as Director of Trade Development and External Economic Relations of the ACS, Alberto Duran.
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