Forum on the future of the Caribbean: shaking up the Caribbean
From May 5-7, a group of committed organisations come together to present proposals to the Caribbean for a new approach to developmental challenges. The University of the West Indies, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, CARICOM, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and a host of others have teamed up to host a Forum on the Future of the Caribbean.
The objective is simple – ‘amplify the voices of dynamic young leaders willing to challenge the status quo and champion new solutions’. According to the architects of the event, the framework provided will allow disruptive thought and research to identify actions needed to build and transform a sustainable future for the Caribbean.
The speaker list is impressive and points to the critical importance of this forum: three sitting Prime Ministers, the Secretary-General of CARICOM, Deputy Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Secretary General of UNCTAD and the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor of The University of the West Indies. The audience, who are meant to be active participants, is made up of policymakers, the public and private sectors and civil society.
The Forum on the Future of the Caribbean, which has close to 400 registrants for the three days, takes off on May 5 at The University of the West Indies. Days two and three will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port-of-Spain. Each day begins at 8.00 a.m. and a live stream will be provided which will allow participants to follow the proceedings and post their questions. Visit for more information and follow the twitter feed at #CaribbeanFutureForum
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