acs aec

ACS Worskshop on Implementation of Tourism Progress Indicators

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The Association of Caribbean States (ACS), through the Directorate of Sustainable Tourism (DST) developed the 2nd Workshop for the Verification of the Implementation Progress of the Indicators in the Destinations of the Sustainable Tourism Zone of the Greater Caribbean (STZC). This workshop held in the Republic of Honduras on 20th September, 2017 hosted 6 Members and Associate Members States of the ACS including Antigua and Barbuda, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Among the presenters in this workshop were: The Sustainable Travel International (STI), the George Washington University (GWU), the Honduran Tourism Institute (IHT, for its acronym in Spanish), the Coral Reef Alliance and the Mar Alliance who discussed topics such as:

Recommendations to facilitate the implementation process of sustainability in tourism destinations (ACS-STI alliance)

Global report on destination sustainability in the Greater Caribbean (ACS-GWU alliance)

Good sustainability practices in coastal marine destinations: blue flags

Advances and lessons learnt in the implementation of sustainability in the STZC destinations

Sustainability stories: Roatan

Healthy Reef Initiative

Marine Megafauna in the Caribbean Sea

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