acs aec

XXVI Meeting of the Special Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction

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The XXVI Meeting of the Special Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction of the ACS was held on June 11th, 2018 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The Meeting was Chaired by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Chair of the Committee for the period 2018-2019.

At the meeting Director Arturo López Portillo presented the progress of DRR projects from the Havana Plan of Action 2016-2018. All projects have been successfully finalised. Now, the process to design projects for the Plan of Action 2019-2021 begins; the new ACS Plan of Action will be approved by the ACS Ministerial Council at the VIII Summit of Presidents and Heads of State that will be held in Managua, Nicaragua in March 2019.

Many ACS members attended the meeting, among them were: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Barbados, Cuba, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Saint Lucia. Many regional and international organisations involved in the projects and in DRR in the Caribbean Region, presented and discussed the status of the projects and the way forward. Among them were: INEGI, ECLAC, CCRIF, IFRC, UNISDR and the EU.

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