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ACS Becomes Observer of SICA

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ACS Becomes Observer of SICA 

The Association of Caribbean States is now an Observer of the Central American Integration System (SICA).

On June 24, In a videoconference called by the Chair of SICA, Costa Rica, the foreign ministers of Belize, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, vice ministers of Guatemala, Honduras and Panama adopted the inclusion of the ACS as an Observer to SICA. The ministers have given the SICA General Secretariat the task of formalising the relationship with the ACS in accordance with its regulations. SICA is a Founding Observer of the ACS and the two organisations have collaborated on many technical initiatives.

ACS Secretary General Rodolfo Sabonge says “It is an honor and a privilege to become Observer to one of the most important organisations in our region. There are many areas of common interest where both organisations can benefit from this new relationship. Recovery from COVID, building resilience, sustainable tourism, disaster risk reduction, transport, trade, and our Caribbean Sea Commission are all areas of convergence where we can generate contributions between both organisations.”

Observers to SICA may be invited to participate in meetings, especially those related to integration; development cooperation in the areas of technology, science, the economy, human and environmental development in the region.

Founding Observers of the ACS seek to better coordinate cooperation programmes for the sustainable development of the ACS Membership. They also include: Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Latin American Economic System Secretariat (SELA), Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) and the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO).

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