ACS delegation makes historic visit to Guatemala

Guatemala City, 27 May, 2022:
Secretary General Rodolfo Sabonge and Chair of the ACS Ministerial Council, Mario Búcaro began discussions on the implementation of the ACS Plan of Action, economic recovery post COVID and the blue agenda.
On Tuesday, Sabonge had bilateral meetings with Foreign Minister, with whom he discussed the proposed foci of the Guatemalan chairmanship, plans for an inclusive Summit and the importance of the ACS contribution to pressing problems such as food security, climate change and opportunities presented by the Plan of Action to address these and other matters. He also congratulated Guatemala for assuming the presidency of the Council of Ministers for 2022-2023 this year and undertaking the important responsibility of hosting the next ACS Summit at a critical juncture in the Region’s development trajectory.
The Chair expressed his country’s “privilege to head this body that unites us technically and not politically”
On Wednesday, the Secretary-General and his delegation continued their discussions with the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also held talks with the Port Authority on economic development, tourism and connectivity.
President of the Port Authority, Omar Barrios noted that, consistent with the navigation instrument emblematic of the Port – the astrolabe- travel forward requires the participation of all- to guide, to document the route and to navigate forward.
Secretary-General Sabonge and his delegation also met with his counterpart from SIECA Secretary General Francisco Lima and representatives UNDP to strengthen strategic alliances. The Secretary-General reiterated the importance of joining efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change and support economic recovery.
On Thursday, the ACS Delegation met with ACS Observer Country representatives in Guatemala where they highlighted the need for cooperation in solidarity to overcome shared challenges ranging from pandemics to war, which have disrupted societies and economies. They presented on the 2022-25 International Cooperation Offer of Guatemala, with a focus on South-South cooperation in 3 sectors: social, economic and environmental.
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