acs aec

Happy Father's Day

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We take today, the 19th of June, to remember all fathers in the region.

The hardwork and dedication a father gives to their children is immeasurable as well as irreplaceable.  

In a region where we are, on a daily basis,  reconstructing the role and importance of the father within the family unit, it is important that we acknowledge those who have stepped up to this role in order to encourage others to do the same.

Being a father is not only about contributing to the creation of a child, as many of us know, it is about serving as an example, being the one who imparts knowledge, the one who educates through his experiences and a protector.

Henri Salvador said « I would like everyone on earth to have images like in my blue dreams; may there be no more storms, may Papa never be old. »In this regard we send well wishes of health and happiness to all fathers.

To the fathers within the ACS Secretariat extends a heartfelt wish for a happy Father's Day.

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