ACS congratulates Jamaica on its 60th independence anniversary

The ACS Secretariat extends congratulatory wishes to the Jamaican people and Government on their 60th anniversary of Independence.
When the people of Jamaica became independent on July 6th, 1962, they were aware of the hard work and dedication that would be necessary to build and care for their new nation and it did not deter them. Now, 60 years later, they have not only contributed to the development of their nation but to the region. A pioneer in its own right, Jamaica is one of the founding members of the Association of Caribbean States.
Currently, Jamaica serves, along with Colombia, as Vice-Chair of the ACS Special Committee on Co-operation and Resource Mobilisation; it also shares with the Dominican Republic, the Vice-Chair of the Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism; and with Mexico, the Vice-Chair of the Ministerial Council. Proof of its commitment to not only improving itself as a nation but to contributing to the Greater Caribbean as well.
The Secretariat thanks Jamaica for its invaluable contributions to the work of the Association, and looks forward to further collaboration in achieving common development objectives.
Happy Independence!
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