The Association of Caribbean States congratulates Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua on their independence anniversary

On 15 September 1821, after years of an active independence movement, independence from Spain was declared in Guatemala City. In 1823 the Federal Republic of Central America was formed. The Federal Republic included present-day Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. All five countries are founding members of the ACS.
Central America is one of the four sub-groupings of ACS Membership, which also includes: Group of Three, Caricom and Ungrouped. Central America has been heavily involved in the work of the ACS. Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua have hosted ACS Ministerial Council Meetings and/or ACS Heads of State/Government Summits. All Central American countries have served on the Executive Boards of the Ministerial Committee or the Special Committees in the ACS focal areas.
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