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What is the difference between the ACS and CARICOM?
- The Association of CAribbean States is an Organisation of Cooperation with primary focus on Trade and External Economic Relations, Transport, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Tourism.
- The ACS, through its Caribbean Sea Commission, also places specific emphasis on the Preservation of the Caribeean Sea.
- Whilst there are similarities between the ACS and CARICOM, it is important to note that they are indeed different organisations.
How are they different, one may ask?
- The ACS represents the Greater Caribbean and currently has 25 Member States, 10 Associate Members, 28 Observer Countries as well as Observer Organisations, Founding Observers, Social Actors and other Collaborative Organisations.
- CARICOM is mainly the English-speaking Caribbean. It has 15 members, and approximately 13 million people.
- The ACS, 25 members, and 10 Associate Members, and 250+ million people
- CARICOM is about integration; the ACS is about cooperation
- CARICOM aims to be a Single Market & Economy (CSME)
What is the ACS doing?
- Working on the Sustainable Tourism Zone of the Caribbean
- Facilitating Language Training
- Working on the Caribbean Sea Initiative
- Coordinating an annual Business Forum of the Greater Caribbean
- Defending the interests and treatment of Small Economies
- Updating Building Codes
- Strengthening Disaster Agencies
What does the ACS Secretariat do?
- Daily interaction with Member States, Social Partners, Founding Observer Organisations, regional and international organisations donor agencies and countries on activities, meetings and fund-raising related to the Plan of Action
- Execute the Budget & Work Programme
- Strategic Planning
- Promotion of the ACS