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Document ID Title Publication datesort icon Categories
06/97 Canada as Observer November 1997
08/97 The Republic of Peru as Observer November 1997
12/97 The Recognition and Admission of Social Actors November 1997
14/97 Evaluation and Prospects of the Development of Cooperation November 1997
16/97 Date and Venue November 1997
Agreement 24/96 Acknowledgment to the Government of the United States of Mexico December 1996
Agreement 25/96 Acknowledgment to the Government of the Republic of Cuba December 1996
Summit/Decl/1995 Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action August 1995
ACS/Convention/ CONVENTION ESTABLISHING THE ASSOCIATION OF CARIBBEAN STATES (ACS) July 1994 ACS Legal Documents, ACS Membership, International Cooperation / Relations, Secretariat General, Secretary General Documents
ACS/2011/TRANS/ANNEX56 Document