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Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Pursuant to a mandate to revitalise the ACS given by ACS Heads of State and Government at their 7th Summit in Havana, Cuba in 2016, the governance structure of the ACS Secretariat was revised, creating two new Executive Positions within the Office of the Secretary General- those of Chief Operating Officer (COO) and of Chief Executive Coordinator (CEC).
Consistent with the Terms of Reference for this position, the Chief Operating Officer manages the corporate processes of the ACS as it relates to finance, procurement, human resources, records management and Information Technology.  The COO supports the Secretary General in reporting to the Special Committee for Budget and Administration
Specifically, the COO:

  • Develop and implement Human Resource (HR) strategies and policies to ensure the achievement of strategic and operational objectives, ensuring compliance with applicable employment laws;

  • Manage and coordinate the recruitment and selection process in accordance with policies, practices and guidelines;

  • Design and implement talent and succession management systems to ensure effective selection, as well as development, evaluation, advancement and retention of employees;

  • Develop and monitor workforce analysis and reporting systems to proactively address key trends and inform strategic decision making;

  • Plan and conduct employee orientation to foster a positive attitude toward organizational objectives;

  • Oversee all aspects of progressive discipline and administration of grievance procedures in accordance with policies and guidelines;

  • Advise the Secretary General on the appropriate resolution of employee issues to maintain compliance with applicable Employment Laws and the policies of the organisation;

  • Provide coaching and advice to staff on the interpretation and application of HR policies, procedures and practices, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

  • Collaborate with the Secretary General, Directors and Unit Heads to develop, implement and evaluate strategies for continuous improvement of individual and team performance and motivation;

  • Design, facilitate or source appropriate training and development programmes to continuously improve competency and performance within the organisation;

  • Prepare organisational and individual Training Plans in consultation with the Secretary General and other relevant Heads;

  • Establish objectives, evaluate the performance of assigned staff and provide required feedback and coaching to optimize performance and motivation;

  • Review completed staff performance appraisal forms with a view to identifying gaps and recommending appropriate training or development interventions;

  • Manage Health and Safety programmes and activities in compliance with OSH standards;

  • Conduct and analyse exit interviews and recommend changes to foster staff retention;

  • Ensure the efficient processing of termination benefits;

  • Recommend and coordinate employee engagement activities, programmes, initiatives or events to promote a healthy and productive work environment;

  • Coordinate the entry of interns with the Directorates to which they will be assigned; 

  • Ensure the periodic review and update of the Staff Manual;

  • Maintain records and compile statistical reports concerning all information related to staff, including performance appraisals, absenteeism and any other HR matters; 

  • Keep abreast of developments in employment laws and various areas of HR to ensure compliance in organisational practices;

  • Prepare and present reports on activities conducted within the timeframes required;

  • Carry out any other functions outlined in the manuals and regulations issued by the Secretary General or established by the Ministerial Agreements;

  • Design and formulate possible systems and procedures for better performance, with a view to optimising the use of available resources;

  • Analyse, plan and recommend actions which must be adopted in order to achieve the Association’s objectives and functions, specifically in the area of the Organization’s finances;

  • Design and formulate possible systems and procedures for better performance, with a view to optimizing the use of available resources;

  • Provide follow-up tasks assigned to the Secretariat by the Special Committee on Budget and Administration;

  • Prepare the Draft Budgets of the ACS and monitor the status of the Secretariat’s income and expenditure;

  • Develop and implement record keeping systems, forms, policies and procedures related to billing, processing payments and other accounts payable and receivable activities;

  • Prepare monthly management accounts, tax accounts and tax returns for the organization;

  • Check all entries from Accounts Payable, Cash receipts, bank correspondence and VAT;

  • Approve petty cash payments and invoices for payment;

  • Manage the closing off of all monthly and annual financial reports;

  • Update and maintain the Fixed Asset Schedule;

  • Keep Member States and Associate Members abreast of the status of contributions;

  • The preparation of substantive documents on the subjects for the relevant meetings.

  • Provide follow up to the work programme of the Special Committee on Budget and Administration;

  • Prepare and present reports on activities conducted, within the time-frames required;

  • Provide leadership and management with regard to the work of the Special Fund and coordinate preparatory work for the meeting of the Special Fund Committee;

  • Carry out any other functions outlined in the manuals and regulations issued by the Secretary General and the approved agreements;

  • Prepare quarterly reports on the ACS budget execution;

  • Safeguards fiscal resources, and adheres to all internal control procedures designed to prevent and detect theft or misuse of funds. Remains alert to security breaches and reports problems. Seeks ways to improve internal controls. Responsibly allocates and accounts for the use of fiscal resources, weighing alternatives and their benefits. Monitors budget usage and ensures critical costs are covered. Seeks ways to reduce costs;

  • Approve the execution of expenditure and payments to facilitate the operations of the Secretariat;

  • Elaborate processes and procedures for procurement in compliance with procurement legislation  of Trinidad & Tobago and international best practise;

  • Contribute to continuous review of the procurement manual;

  • Oversees provision of end-user services, including help desk and technical support services;

  • Ensures that the Secretariat’s Information and Communication operations adhere to local laws;

  • Develop and maintain a Records retention procedural handbook;

  • Manage ACS’ Records management system and Archival procedures;

  • Assist the Secretary General with any other activity needed to attain the Association’s goals and objectives.

The first COO, Mr. Wayne, Oudit, was appointed in July 2023. His office comprises:

  • Finance Officer
  • Human Resource Officer
  • Information and Technology Officer
  • Office Assistant
  • Messenger Driver
  • Unit Assistant Operations