OPENING REMARKS BY THE SECRETARY_GENERAL OF THE ACS TO THE INAUGURAL COOPERATION CONFERENCE Honourable Vice Minister of Cooperation, Foreign Trade and Investment of Cuba, Ms. Ileana Nunez , my distinguished Co-Chair, Honourable
19th Intersessional Preparatory Meeting of the ACS Ministerial Council convenes in Port of Spain
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 10th November 2016- The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) will convene the 19th Intersessional Preparatory Meeting of the ACS Ministerial Council on 11th November 2016 at the Hilton Hotel, Port of Spain,
Secretary General, Dr. June Soomer leads delegation to the 6th High Level Forum on the Korea - Caribbean Partnership
Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 26th, 2016 - The Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Her Excellency Dr. June Soomer, was a specially invited guest to the Republic of Korea’s (an ACS Observer Country) 6th High Level
World Tsunami Awareness Day: New Worldwide Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad and Tobago, Thursday 20, October 2016 – The commemoration of the World Tsunami Awareness Day in the Caribbean will take place on 20 October 2016 in Trinidad and Tobago, back-to-back to the Special Committee Meeting
25th Meeting of the Special Committee for Transport
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 13th October, 2016- The Association of Caribbean States (ACS), through its Directorate of Transport, convened the 25th Meeting of the Special Committee for Transport on 14th October 2016 at the ACS Secretariat
Remarks by President of the Council of States and Ministers of the Republic Of Cuba, Raul Castro Ruz, at the closing session of the 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States
Excellencies and Honorable Heads of States and/or Government, Delegates, Observers and Guests, Esteemed Ambassador Alfonso Munera Cavadia, Secretary General of ACS, First of all we would like to convey our sympathy and
Special Declaration
We, the Heads of State and/or Gove rnment of the Member States of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) meeting in Havana, Cuba on 4 June of 2016 for the Seventh Summit,Reaffirming the provisions in the Proclamation of Latin America
Closing speech of President Raúl Castro Ruz at the VII Summit of the ACS
Excelentísimos Señores Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, y demás delegados, observadores e invitados;Estimado Embajador Alfonso Múnera Cavadía, Secretario General de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe:Enviamos nuestro mensaje de condolencias y