acs aec

Press Releases

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Key address by Raul Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba to the Opening Session of the 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States. Havana, Cuba, June 4, 2016.

Distinguished Heads of State and/or Government, Esteemed Ambassador Alfonso Munera Cavadia, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, Distinguished delegates and guests, For the seventh time, we are

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Special Communiqué in appreciation of Secretary-General Alfonso Múnera Cavadía 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States

Special Communiqué in appreciation of Secretary-General Alfonso Múnera Cavadía 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States Havana, Cuba, 3 June 2016 The Heads of State and Government of the Association

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Working Together for a Sustainable Caribbean

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, May 31st, 2016 – In just five days, the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) will host its historical VII Summit of Heads of State and/or Government which will take place on June 4, Havana, Cuba. The year 1996

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“Together for a Sustainable Caribbean” VII ACS Summit – Havana, Cuba – June 4th 2016

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, May 23rd, 2016 – The Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States, in its desire and continued efforts to promote the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean through “consultation, cooperation

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“The Tragedy of Freedom in a Commons”: What the Paris Agreement means for the Caribbean

In his seminal piece “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Garrett Hardin defines the “commons” as a shared resource which cannot be claimed, but with each individual possessing the ability to use its assets to his or her own benefit. In the absence of

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Seventh ACS Summit to take place in Cuba

Petionville, Haiti, January 19th, 2016 – The city of Petionville, Haiti, welcomed Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Vice Ministers, Ambassadors and other delegations, as well as the representatives of international organisations attending the 21st

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ACS convenes the XXI Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council in Haiti

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, January 11th, 2016 – The 21st Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) will convene on 19th January, 2016 in Pétion- Ville, Republic of Haiti.

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Financing for Change

There is rising anxiety amongst island nations as the effects of the continuous warming of the earth become more evident on our physical environment. The negative impacts arising from changes in weather patterns due to global warming include